What you can expect at our services:
- Prince of Peace proclaims the Good News of forgiveness through Jesus Christ at all of our worship services.
- We are “Christ-Centered and Cross-Focused” – Our message is devoted to the cross of Christ, the Resurrection, and Jesus’ role as Lord and Savior to all who believe in Him.
- The Sacrament of Holy Communion is typically celebrated every Sunday except for the fourth Sunday of each month.
For our schedule of the Lord’s Supper, please consult the calendar page.

Service Times, Class Times and Office Hours
Sunday Services: 9:00 AM
Sunday Bible Study: 10:30 AM
Sunday School: 10:30 AM
Monday Services: 7:00 PM
Weekday Bible Study: 10:30 AM Tuesdays
Adult Instruction: Please call for details
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Mon.-Thurs.
• For special holiday service times (Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, etc.),and for latest schedule updates, please visit our Calendar page.